5 Ways To Deal With An Incompetent Boss

To make sure we’re on the same page about dealing with an “incompetent” boss and not a “bad” boss, let’s be clear on what the term means. An incompetent person is someone who is functionally inadequate or insufficient in knowledge, skills, judgment, or strength. If this is what you’re talking about then you’re right, they […]

From IT Developer To Strategic Leader: My 25-Year Journey At Greyhound

When I joined Greyhound back in 1996, as an IT developer, my plan was to stay for a year and then move to some cutting-edge development company. Greyhound was not the sexy development shop that I had hoped to work for. Now having worked there for 25 years, I have nothing but fond memories of […]

Community Engagement For Impactful Public Health

Community engagement is at the core of good public health. Every successful public health project I’ve been a part of has had community voice at the core of every aspect of the work. Leading with community voice assures that equity is not only a discussion point, but a value. In a project to assure a […]

7 Tips For Writing A Great LinkedIn Invitation

Whether you’re new to LinkedIn or a seasoned user, connecting with new people can be a challenge, especially when you’re not sure what to write in your LinkedIn invitation. You might be tempted to use the generic “I’d like to add you to my professional network on LinkedIn” template, but beware! By not personalizing your […]

9 SaaS Hospitality Apps To Streamline Business Operations

I recall a time when software for the hospitality industry was almost non-existent, mostly consisting of Excel spreadsheets and Word documents to track revenues and maintain customer records. Utilizing Excel to maintain customer accounts and ensure opportunities for future marketing campaigns was extremely inefficient and cumbersome at best. Driven by the lack of a comprehensive […]

Why Job Interviews Are Out Of Control In 2024

Is your job search driving you crazy? You’re not alone. A recent survey from The Hustle found that 58% of job seekers believe job interviewing is out of control. And they’re right: interviewing is grueling right now. If you’re looking for a job, you know what I’m talking about—hiring managers being disrespectful, getting ghosted after […]

5 Red Flags Employers Watch For In Job Interviews

Getting through to the job interview stage in the hiring process means the employer believes you have the right experience and skills for the job on paper. But now comes the real deal-breaker: whether you can communicate those skills effectively in person and come off as the right fit for the company’s workplace culture. There […]

6 Tips For Staying Healthy With A Desk Job

Millions of Americans struggle to work at desk jobs, often unaware they’re jeopardizing their health. Sitting down all day long can be a pain—literally. The sedentary lifestyle associated with sitting for prolonged periods can lead to a variety of physical ailments and chronic pain. Whether it’s back pain, neck strain, or increased risk of cardiovascular […]