Careers & employer engagement in schools – what works (ISE webinar)

Last month I had the opportunity to participate in an ISE webinar to talk about what works in careers and employer engagement in schools. It was a great opportunity as, as well as me, there were also employers and representatives of schools there. I talked about currently policy and practice, but then we all rolled […]

Podcast: Sustainability and career guidance

Photo by Narcisa Aciko on I recently had the opportunity to be interviewed as part of Veilederforum-podden (the Norwegian guidance forum’s new podcast). In the podcast I discuss the issue of sustainability in career guidance with Mari Thorbjørnsrud from the Norwegian Directorate for Higher Education and Skills. In the conversation we discuss both the […]

Discussing career and agency on Hoda Kilani’s Career Info show

I was recently very privileged to be interviewed by Hoda Kilani’s Career Info show on YouTube. Hoda is a career development expert and practitioner based in Alberta, Canada. Hoda’s Career Info consists of career discussions with leading global experts in career development. Through these discussions she seeks to increase awareness about the importance of career […]

Do we need to overhaul careers education in schools and colleges? Inside Your Ed podcast

It was a great privilege to be asked by Tom Richmond to talk about career education on the EDSK podcast, Inside your ED. It was really great to be able to go into a bit of depth about the history of recent careers policy and to consider what we could learn from it. In the […]

Questioning tech: The past, present, and future of survey tools

If you want to hear me talking about the history of online surveys you are in luck. I’m interviewed on Liam Geraghty’s Questioning Tech podcast. In this podcast he takes us through the history of surveys with me popping up towards the end to talk about online surveys. Warning though, he is also selling a […]

#WeAreCareers S5 E1 – Why we need a career guidance guarantee

I had the great privilege of joining Chris Webb and MeetSabiha on #WeAreCareers yesterday. If you haven’t watched this show before, you really should. It is a regular YouTube show which looks at all things careers and features all sorts of interesting guests. You can get it most easily by subscribing to the CDI YouTube […]

The future of work and how to stay employable

It was a real privilege to be interviewed by Jeremy Cline on the Change Work Life podcast the other day. Jeremy’s podcast is essential listening for everyone in the career development world. He now has 112 episodes, most of which consist of conversations between Jeremy and other experts in different aspects of career development. Recent […]

Reaching the hard to reach

Reaching the ‘hard to reach’ – A creative conversation A couple of months ago I was invited to take part in one of David Cameron‘s ‘creative conversations’. These are professional development events for Skills Development Scotland. In this session I discussed the involvement of families in supporting the career development of young people with Phil […]

You and yours

Yesterday I was on Radio 4 show You and Yours talking about the employment prospects for graduates. I find these kinds of media appearances really difficult. You always have so little time and so it is really easy to get squeezed into saying something too simplistic and missing out on a lot of the nuance. […]