Career Confession: I HATE Unprofessional Emails

Non-capitalized subject lines, an improper greeting, the use of “LOL” or any other form of Internet/text message slang, emoticons, lack of punctuation, attachments with no content in the email body, and mass marketing emails that try to be personal but fall flat. OK, I have been guilty of doing all of the above once or […]

Career Change – 5 Signs That it May Be More Than Just A Midlife Crisis

 Fancy sports cars. Expensive gym memberships. Messy divorces. A midlife crisis usually gets a bad rap for impulsive decisions like these.   But one of the controversial midlife crisis decisions is that of making a career change in the prime of life, or later. Nothing feels more liberating yet risky in the moment than abandoning a job you’ve responsibly […]

How to Be Limitless in Your Life and Career

We all have a similar goal. We want success to feel meaningful, we want our work to matter. But it doesn’t.  And we feel stuck.  No matter how hard we hustle and grind toward success, or how much we achieve it. That’s because the problem isn’t how we achieve success, it’s how we define success. We spend our lives positioning ourselves just […]

Three Women Who Have Made Successful Career Changes

We all know the saying, “Necessity is the mother of invention.” Well, sometimes motherhood invents a new necessity for moms. In my case, my entire business was inspired by motherhood. Before starting FIT4MOM, I was the General Manager at a multi-million dollar health club. I loved working in the fitness industry but struggled with having […]

Six Reasons Working from Home Isn’t Always Great

Working remotely is growing in popularity across the nation. In fact, 3.7 million people work at least part-time from home. Since 2005, the number of work-at-home employees has grown by 115 percent. The option may be available for you too. The volume of employers who allow telecommuting has grown 40 percent over the last five […]

#GIRLBOSS Inspiration For National Boss Day

National Boss Day is October 16th, and it’s the perfect moment to highlight female bosses.  But how about a #girlboss who made a career change from courtroom to catwalk? Lori Riviere runs one of the top fashion PR agencies out of her Manhattan office managing PR for major fashion and accessories labels, including becoming one of the […]