How to Know When You Have Outstayed a Job

Knowing for sure whether you’ve outstayed a job or not can be a confusing and terrifying thought process. Is taking a new job worth the risk? Will you move and wish you were back where you are now? Do you even know what direction you’d head in if you were to start looking for a new job?

The “ifs” and “buts” are something everyone experiences when considering to look elsewhere. Here are a few ways, however, to determine whether moving jobs is a good move for you.

Well, you’re thinking about a new job already

If you’ve thought about it seriously just once, it’s probably a sign you’ve outstayed a job. And if you’ve thought about it more than once, you’ve almost definitely outstayed your job. Daydreaming about being elsewhere─more so than simply thinking about golden sands and blue skies─is a pretty loud warning bell. If you no longer feel inspired where you are and you’re longing to escape to another role, your time there is up.

The “cons” outweigh the “pros”

The old-school method of drawing up a “pros” and “cons” list is often helpful when considering heading somewhere new. If the result show more “cons” than “pros,” you probably have a good indication of what your answer is. Although every worker has to accept at least a few “cons” when it comes to their job and the company they work for, too many threatens your every day; especially if particular “cons” are detrimental to a workers’ happiness and comfort.

You no longer feel stimulated by your work

Often, feeling challenged and excited by your work is an important characteristic of a role for workers. If you no longer look forward to your work or see yourself ever looking forward to it again, it’s a good idea to have a look for jobs that’ll keep you motivated and charged in the workplace.

You’re not respected in the workplace

It’s time to move on if you’re not listened to or respected at work. Maybe your concerns aren’t addressed appropriately or you feel uncomfortable because of a co-worker or boss. Alternatively, maybe your suggestions and work ideas are ignored and you’re pushed out of work that should involve you. If you feel this way, it’s likely you should look out for a company that promises to respect you and your goals. It’s also a good idea to make this a clear priority throughout the interview process.

There is no room for progression

If you’re looking to stay at a company where at least somewhere in the future promises room for progression, warning bells that suggest this will never happen should be acknowledged. Having room to grow and a chance to land a new role and a better salary is important to a lot of workers. If it’s pretty clear this job won’t provide that for you, look for a new job where you’ll definitely have chance to move up the ladder.

Your company has unethical practices

Do you find that your employer doesn’t hide that it has unethical, shady, or even illegal business practices? If so, it might be time to consider leaving and working for a company that cares about how it treats other people.

For example, your employer might constantly flounder its legal obligations to its customers or staff and isn’t a stranger to dealing with a breach of contract lawyer because of that fact. It may even claim to do things when, in reality, it has no intention of honoring such promises.

You’re ultimately unhappy

Even if you feel stimulated, respected and as though you can flourish within a company, if you’re unhappy, you’ve outstayed your job. Your career and job shouldn’t compromise your happiness and if you feel uninspired or even miserable at the thought of your 9-5, it’s time to quit feeling unhappy. No million good things about a job can top trump the feeling of unease and unhappiness.

Quitting or even thinking about quitting a job should never be taken lightly.   Knowing for sure what the best course is can be challenging.  It’s a decision, however, that’s inevitable if you have worries about the job you’re working and they can’t be resolved.

Kathryn Terry writes for Inspiring Interns, which specialises in sourcing candidates for internships and graduate jobs.

The post How to Know When You Have Outstayed a Job appeared first on Ms. Career Girl.

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