Podcast: Sustainability and career guidance

Photo by Narcisa Aciko on Pexels.com

I recently had the opportunity to be interviewed as part of Veilederforum-podden (the Norwegian guidance forum’s new podcast). In the podcast I discuss the issue of sustainability in career guidance with Mari Thorbjørnsrud from the Norwegian Directorate for Higher Education and Skills.

In the conversation we discuss both the definition of sustainability associated with the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). These goals set out a broad vision for a sustainable and fair society. But, we also focus in on the issue of the climate crisis and discuss sustainability in this sense as well.

In all cases, the question is ‘what has this got to do with career guidance?’. In the podcast we explore this and consider a range of ways in which career guidance can make a difference to these issues.

The podcast starts in Norwegian, but quickly moves back into English as I am not confident enough to show off my faltering Norsk on a podcast.

Listen to the podcast

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